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HealthNotDiets Digest, Issue 27, 2018

July 1 - 7, 2018

As always, if you like what you read here, please support the original author by liking/sharing/following/up-voting/subscribing directly to their feed.

Happy reading!


Articles and Blogs

In A World Of Watered-Down ‘Body Positivity,’ The Tess Holliday Self Cover Is A Radical Choice

by Lesley Kinzel

“Women’s media is one of the worst offenders when it comes to making women feel terrible about themselves, and it often does so under a veneer of empowerment.”


Nobody believes that black people are in pain and it's killing us

by Jazmine Joyner

“it took me literally passing out in an elevator and being dragged into the doctor’s office for the staff and my surgeon to take my pain seriously. After that ordeal, I avoid the doctor at all cost.”


The journey from self-hate to self-love

by Ivy Felicia

"It’s funny… You don’t appreciate some things until they’re gone or you’re on the verge of losing it…This was a wake-up call to me…This was proof of how life isn’t promised…Having other people bathing, feeding, & walking you, is a humbling experience"


FYI, Body Positivity Is Not "Dangerous" Or Bad For Your Health

by Cory Stieg

"Experts have reacted to the study saying that the way the results were framed was misleading and sloppy, and dragged the author for not having legitimate evidence for any of their claims."


Save Your Girls From Instagram

by Lexie Kite

"a young girl’s access to Instagram is like a master class in objectification. Taught by influencers and peers... she will learn at the speed of light that she is her body, and that her body is her ticket to happiness, fulfillment, power, and love."


Time to turn off the Tap: Why Emotional Freedom Technique is dangerous nonsense

by Alex Langford

“Every second someone spends having “tapping therapy” is time they could be spending seeking effective treatment for their mental illness, or perhaps even worse, for their physical illnesses.”


The friend effect: why the secret of health and happiness is surprisingly simple

by Jenny Stevens

“It is those who know us intimately who can provide [love], and they do it through their physical presence, through touch, and through eating, drinking and sharing with us. Spending time together is social nourishment.”


Energy deficiency in sport: when the quest for leanness hurts health and performance

by Alicia Filley

“When the body doesn’t have enough energy to support the demands placed upon it, either through disordered eating or over-activity, the consequences go beyond bone health and menstrual function, and affect athletes of both genders, all ages & any ability”


For Many People, Especially Women — Weight Loss Is Not a Happy Ending

by Juli Fraga

“Selby tried numerous weight loss plans, but as the pounds melted off, she felt worse, not better.”


A basically Marxist analysis of the rise of activewear

by Lauren Carroll Harris

“Activewear is a lesson in how to commodify, how to problematise, how to whip up something from nothing – and by something, I mean a multimillion-dollar mass market. It’s the story of late capitalism in miniature.”


How to Raise Your Kid in a Body Positive Way

by Sally Kuzemchak

“Once you're into the early teen years, it's developmentally appropriate for kids to become hyper aware of their bodies and compare to others...What you do beforehand can have a significant impact in helping them boost their resilience to body shame."


Body Image starts at birth...

by Lori Short-Zamudio

“Be a role model and this includes teaching your child to wear what they are comfortable with on their bodies. Model carrying your body with pride. Do the fun things.“


How to Declare Your Independence from Diet Culture!

by Erica Leon

“It is important to recognize that our bodies are always changing and that our weight, in turn, might increase, decrease or stay the same! The only thing that is constant in life is CHANGE – this includes our bodies.”


Coeliac disease in children – treating the whole child

by Sarah Peck

“Impose the least amount of food restrictions as possible on your child. It is tempting as a parent to want to fix our child’s health. Conflicting and often well-meaning advice can leave us trying to remove further food groups.”


Why I've chosen body liberation over body love

by Jess Baker

“In the end, I have found that the less I try to force myself to love my body, the less I hate it.”


To the Family Member Who Worries I Am Not Helping Your Loved One’s “Weight Problem”

by Lauren Muhlheim

“Every day in my practice I witness the destruction left by the war on obesity and failed diet attempts. I see the carnage of past dieting, weight regain, shame and self-loathing in the form of disordered eating and intractable eating disorders.”


One size fits all

by Anthony Warner

“There are a million genetic, lifestyle and physiological factors that mean that what works for me, might not work for someone else....I would have thought that this was pretty fu@king obvious. But apparently not.”


Is Retail Finally Getting Serious About Plus-size Fashion?

by Steve Dennis

“Representation is vitally important. The [fashion & clothing] industry can, and absolutely should, do a better job of depicting a spectrum of body types in media–and in other aspects of how they do business.”


The First Plus-Size Supermodel Talks About the Evolution of the Body-Positive Movement

by Kylie Gilbert

“We cannot just lean on the size of a woman’s dress to determine her value in the society. That’s starting to break down and be dismantled, which is very, very important.”


3 Reasons Why You Should Never Comment on Someone's Weight

by Jennifer Rollin

“you cannot tell who has an eating disorder based on their physical appearance. People with eating disorders come in all shapes and sizes.”


Research &

Clinical Practice

A few months back I was thrilled to collaborate with Megabite Nutrition to create a brief online course about weight-neutral, size acceptance dietetic practice including #HAES and the #NonDiet approach.

This course provides CEUs for US based RDs and RDNs (which are difficult to get approved!)It’s on sale for a limited time (see deal in image).

Warning: the Megabite website also has links to courses which promote intentional weight loss.


Here’s a wonderful ‘map your privileges’ activity 😍


Soapbox & Shareables

Like podcasts?

How about bite-sized podcasts that you can claim as professional development?!?

I've designed the Unpacking Weight Science Podcast to suit health professionals, health science students and anyone who wants to know more about human body weight, health outcomes, interpreting weight related research and the far ranging effects of weight bias.

Twice a month, my 20-30 minute podcasts unpack different elements of weight bias & stigma, weight research, BMI, health behaviours and weight neutral approaches. Paid subscribers (only $5/month!) get the podcast six months before everyone else, plus full show notes, reference list, self-test quiz and resource materials for use in practice. This equates to an hour of professional development each month :-)

Available for subscribers now is:

"Morality vs Ethics: why fat is fraught"

This episode will delve into theories of human morality and medical ethics and their role in fat-phobia. I’ll unpick the concepts and meaning of fatness through these two lenses in order for listeners to be able to identify which meaning system is at play in those who force their weight-centrism upon others, and select a line of discussion that hits its mark.

and instantly access 6 months of episodes before the rest of the world



Sydney and Melbourne BOOK NOW


Want these 'live'? Then follow me on Twitter (@FionaWiller), Facebook (@HealthNotDiets) and Instagram (@FionaWiller)

Want some training in the non-diet approach or unpacking weight science? Resources include books, courses, workshops and handouts: visit

See anything you think I'd like to share or comment about? Post in the comments below or email me at

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