HealthNotDiets Digest, Issue 40, 2018
September 28 - October 4, 2018
As always, if you like what you read here, please support the original author by liking/sharing/following/up-voting/subscribing directly to their feed.
Happy reading!
Articles & Blogs

How This Millennial Brings Body Positivity To Her Yoga Practice
by Dominique Fluker
“Every day, I make a commitment to stand above the noise of our society in order to see the inherent beauty of each and every being on this planet, myself included.”

Fluctuating Metabolic Measurements May Be Risky
by Jeff Minerd
“Individuals whose glucose, cholesterol, blood pressure, and weight constantly went up and down were at higher mortality and cardiovascular risk, even though they did not have diabetes or heart disease”

My Perfect Instagram Life Hid My Battle With Orthorexia
by Poorna Bell
“Recommending total social media honesty is largely going to fall on deaf ears because our capitalist societies still lionize youth, slimness and financial success, and it’s difficult to escape that conditioning.”

Financial Instability, Food Insecurity, Medication, and Intuitive Eating
by Sarah Thompson
“How do you eat intuitively when you don’t have enough money and you are consistently unsatisfied and hungry?"

How To Talk To Your Kids About Consent (At Any Age)
by Joni Edelman
“Continue to remind them that they are in charge of their body. No one, NO ONE, should be touching it unless there is a medical reason to do so.”

{Intuitive Eating with a Chronic Condition} Principle #8: Respect Your Body
by Vincci Tsui
“respecting your body also includes respecting your chronic condition.”

Dieting is being re-branded 'wellness', but does that mean it works?
by Kasey Edwards
"Weight loss is a business model that relies on false hope, self-loathing and very short memories, and increasingly, with the body positivity movement gaining traction, it’s becoming harder to sell.”

China has a big fat problem with US-style 'Body Positivity'
by Nicholas Groffman
Interesting insight into anti-fat bias vs body positivity in China
CW: still very weight centric, attributes increases in weight to fast food availability and a few other infuriating assumptions

Exclusive: This Powerful Portrait Series Shows Body Positivity Is More Than a Trend
by Kaleigh Fasanela
“What if diversity is just a mainstream focus for now because it can be capitalized on?”

I failed at modelling body positivity for my kids. So I'm trying this approach instead.
by Clare Gillespie
“I don’t love every part of my body, but I value and accept it in its entirety. I do love my kids, which is why I’m teaching them that you don’t have to love your body to have a healthy relationship with it.“

Ask Bodyposipanda: How Do I Deal With People Saying I've 'Let Myself Go' Since Finding Body Positivity?
by Megan Jayne Crabbe
“spending our lives playing by the rules only makes sense if the game is real. And it’s not. The game of winning in Dietland is the greatest illusion that’s ever been crafted.”

Requiem for a Weight Watcher
by Fluffy Kitten Party
“I can say, without a doubt, that [Weight Watchers] is the diet that has wreaked the most havoc on my life.”
CW: powerful and detailed account of dieting and restriction

Learning To Restrict Calories Isn't College Wellness — It's Dangerously Unhealthy
by Ragen Chastain
“In addition to this class being utterly inappropriate and fatphobic, it’s dangerous. The University has no way of knowing the circumstances of each student — who might be on the edge of an eating disorder, who might be in the throes, and who is trying to recover."

More than a third of nurses have PTSD; a third of doctors are burned out.
by Vlad Dragan, Christine Miskonoodinkwe Smith, & Joshua Tepper
“the individual carries the brunt of responsibility for wellness in a dysfunctional system."

Good food, bad food, and subversive food combining.
by The Fat Nutritionist
"the idea that there are universally good or bad foods doesn’t hold up well under scrutiny."

The DNA detectives hunting the causes of cancer
by Kat Arney
"The wild differences in rates of cancer across the world is a mystery – but a crack team of detectives is on the case."

Get rid of your clothes in recovery
by Angie Viets
“Donate them, throw them out, whatever you do, just make sure that you get rid of them.I’m talking about those clothes that no longer fit you.That are sitting in your closet.Right now.“

Breaking the “Should” Habit Around Eating
by Megrette Fletcher
“All the “shoulds” you tell yourself are creating a mental and emotional web of shame that will trap you into being self-critical.”

{Intuitive Eating with a Chronic Condition} Principle #6: Discover the Satisfaction Factor
by Vincci Tsui
“It is possible to eat vegetables, drink water, and exercise without being on a diet; dieting doesn’t own these behaviours. The difference lies in the intention: Are you choosing to do this because of self-care? Or because you’re trying to “be good” by following an external rule?”
Research &
Clinical Practice

Reading Mendelian randomisation studies: a guide, glossary, and checklist for clinicians
by Ding Ding
"The two key challenges when reading Mendelian randomisation studies are evaluating the plausibility of the underlying assumptions and interpreting the results.”
Davies, Neil M., Michael V. Holmes, and George Davey Smith. "Reading Mendelian randomisation studies: a guide, glossary, and checklist for clinicians." BMJ 362 (2018): k601.
Soapbox & Shareables
Successful Ways to Work With Clients Who Struggle With Deep Feelings of Shame
by the National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine
Watch the video: NICABM
Like podcasts?
How about bite-sized podcasts that you can claim as professional development?!?
I've designed the Unpacking Weight Science Podcast to suit health professionals, health science students and anyone who wants to know more about human body weight, health outcomes, interpreting weight related research and the far ranging effects of weight bias.
Twice a month, my 20-30 minute podcasts unpack different elements of weight bias & stigma, weight research, BMI, health behaviours and weight neutral approaches. Paid subscribers (only $5/month!) get the podcast six months before everyone else, plus full show notes, reference list, self-test quiz and resource materials for use in practice. This equates to an hour of professional development each month :-)
Available for subscribers now is:
"When is a diet not a diet? HAES, IE and MNT'
Ep 15: Dietitians and nutrition professionals can feel like the ‘nutrition baby’ is being thrown out with the ‘diet bathwater’ when learning about the Non-Diet Approach, HAES and Intuitive Eating. Many wonder, if I can’t tell people what to eat, what is left? Is there any point to dietitians? Do I just forget all my medical nutrition therapy knowledge? This existential crisis is a consequence of nutrition-related professions identifying with their key expertise being in weight management. This episode sorts the ‘therapeutic wheat’ from the ‘fatphobic chaff’ to offer you a new perspective on your professional identity.
Subscribe now at:
and instantly access 6 months of episodes before the rest of the world
Episodes 1 & 2 are now on iTunes!
Search 'Unpacking Weight Science'
to listen to them for free!

Sydney Sept 27th and Melbourne Oct 19th BOOK NOW

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Want some training in the non-diet approach or unpacking weight science? Resources include books, courses, workshops and handouts: visit
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