HealthNotDiets Digest, Issue 26, 2019
June 28 - July 4, 2019
As always, if you like what you read here, please support the original author by liking/sharing/following/up-voting/subscribing directly to their feed.
Happy reading!
Articles & Blogs
Is saturated fat as bad for us as we think?
by Catriona Nguyen-Robertson
"Saturated fats aren’t just saturated fats...They don’t all increase your risk of cardiovascular disease"
Note: the consensus for food groups is now as follows-
Positive correlation with health & mortality: fruit, veg, wholegrains, nuts/seeds
Neutral relationship: dairy foods, eggs, pale-ish meats incl fish and chicken
Negative correlation with health and mortality: red meat (mild effect), chargrilled/burned meats, esp red meats (definitely negative), and nitrate/nitrite preserved meats like some hams (definitely negative)
As always, dose is of critical importance and eating the foods with negative relationships every now and then is no big deal at all.
'Party' foods are only an issue when they crowd out the 'core' foods, over a lifetime of eating.....
Your Adolescent Daughter Doesn’t Have a Weight Problem. She’s Going Through Puberty.
by Maryann Tomovich Jacobsen
"It’s true that harping on weight is not the way to go (i.e., comments about weight or encouraging girls to lose weight); but educating girls about why they gain weight is very much needed."
How to conquer your fear of feeling judged when you exercise
by Kimberly Gillan
“Our bodies adapt to the stimulus we provide them, so there’s no need to be naturally strong – it’s something that can be built up over time”
The Power of One Push-Up
by James Hamblin
"A good metric of health should be meaningful, measurable, actionable, and durable. Body weight and BMI aren’t always meaningful or actionable—as many people who’ve tried to change theirs are aware.”
The first black Barbie to use a wheelchair is here, and people are loving the message it sends to kids
by Amanda Krause
"To design the wheelchair, the team collaborated with partners at UCLA Mattel Children’s hospital and wheelchair experts to create a toy that is modeled after a real, rigid-frame wheelchair”
The body positivity movement is not for slim bodies already accepted by society
By Stephanie Yeboah
“body positivity is not about boosting the confidence of people with conventionally attractive and ‘acceptable’ figures. The world already does that for them.
Body positivity is supposed to be a political movement that fights the systematic oppression that fat people face on a daily basis.”
Children wise to fear hand dryers, and 13-year-old proves it with published paper
by Pamela Fieber
"Children who say hand dryers “hurt my ears” are correct.A new research paper by that very title has just been published in Paediatrics & Child Health, Canada’s premier peer-reviewed pediatric journal.
And the researcher, 13-year-old Nora Keegan, has been studying the issue since she was nine years old.”
Young Girls Reject Mattel’s “Curvy” Barbie
by Renee Engeln
“whether we’re talking about Barbie bodies or human bodies, there is a long list of good reasons to encourage children to accept and respect the diversity of bodies they will encounter throughout their lives.”
Woman, 32, who developed bulimia at 11 after she was sent to fat camp says she’s happier now she’s 21 stone
by Martha Cliff
"We have to give ourselves permission to divest from our hurtful narratives, resolve our traumas, and truly be all of who we are, not just the dimensions that seem socially acceptable”
We’ll never achieve ‘true wellness’ if we’re all too hungry to get the job done
by Laura Thomas
“We forget that bodies are messy and that is the way it is supposed to be. Elite wellness sells us the lie that if we just follow the rules, it will all be under control.”
CW: calorie limit for one of these ridiculous ‘programs’ is stated.
21 Body Positive Stories from Real Women Who'll Inspire You to Love Yourself More
by Karla Walsh
"I looked at my body, the body that had given birth to five babies, that had been through unbearable stress and most recently, a major surgery and I looked at it in a new light. Instead of failing me, it’s been carrying me”
Amazing illustrators on the body-positive art breaking female taboos
by Giacomo Lee
“if we can normalise conversation about vulvas, begin to unlearn the negative messages that have been perpetuated and see them beyond their basic physiological functions, it will lead us to having a better relationship with that part of our body.”
Definitely NSFW
Karoline Vitto's Body Positive Clothing Collection Celebrates Rolls & Bulges
by Marlen Komar
“I wanted to question why we submit ourselves to constant body modifications, or tight lingerie, or why we body shame ourselves so much, when we could see our bodies as something that could be appreciated by its natural texture, form, or lines”
‘If the land is sick, you are sick’: An Aboriginal approach to mental health in times of drought
by Georgina Kenyon
“The traditional expert–patient relationship of psychological treatment has often been seen by Aboriginal people as being based on that of the colonial master and the colonised. That’s a problem if...colonisation is also the primary source of Aboriginal people’s distress and often the underlying cause of depression and suicidal feelings.”
Link to eating disorders raises concerns about school health programs
by Adriana Barton
““the pervasive messages about healthy eating in today’s schools may be enough to push some children at risk for eating disorders over the edge.”
CW: weight centrism from the usual suspects 🙄
Unpacking Weight Science Podcast
How about bite-sized podcasts that you can claim as professional development?!?
I've designed the Unpacking Weight Science Podcast to suit health professionals, health science students and anyone who wants to know more about human body weight, health outcomes, interpreting weight related research and the far ranging effects of weight bias.
The 20-30 minute monthly podcasts unpack different elements of weight bias & stigma, weight research, BMI, health behaviours and weight neutral approaches. Paid subscribers (only $5/month!) get instant access to the previous 15 episodes plus full show notes, reference list, self-test quiz and resource materials for use in practice. This equates to an hour of professional development activity each month :-)
Available for subscribers now is:
'Starving in the Intensive Care Unit'
Ep 24: People of all sizes end up in intensive care, with their life hanging in the balance. Without modern medicine they’d be dead already. Despite this cutting edge of science setting, larger patients are often arbitrarily underfed. This episode discusses why this is, what the implications for larger patients are, and what we can do about it.
Subscribe now at:
and instantly access 18 episodes before the rest of the world!
Episodes 1-5 are now on iTunes!
Search 'Unpacking Weight Science'
to listen to them for free!
Training Opportunities in 2019
Fremantle, Western Australia, 26-27 June SOLD OUT
Auckland, New Zealand, 7-8 October
Melbourne, Victoria, 12-13 October
Newcastle, New South Wales, 21-22 November
Perth, Western Australia, 28 June SOLD OUT
Auckland, New Zealand, 9 October
Melbourne, Victoria, 11 October
Newcastle, New South Wales, 23 November
Want these 'live'? Then follow me on Twitter (@FionaWiller), Facebook (@HealthNotDiets) and Instagram (@FionaWiller)
Want more info about the non-diet approach or unpacking weight science? Resources include books, courses, workshops and handouts: visit
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